2024 Annual Report
Carnarvon has undergone significant changes during the financial year; however the Company is in a strong position to realise significant value from its asset portfolio, which features Dorado, Australia’s largest undeveloped liquids field.

Over the past year there have been changes to the board and management at Carnarvon, along with a refresh of our strategic objectives, but Carnarvon’s commitment to developing Dorado and continuing with exploration in the Bedout Sub-basin offshore Western Australia has remained constant.

the Company’s highlights during the 2024 financial year
Download operating and financial reviewOur projects
Carnarvon made an initial investment into the biofuels sector in 2021, with a 50% interest in the FutureEnergy Australia (FEA) incorporated joint venture.
View our Renewable Fuels Project.
Click on projects on map to read more
WA-435-P 10%
WA-436-P 20%
WA-437-P 10%
WA-438-P 20%
WA-64-L 10%
Carnarvon secured its interests in the Bedout Sub-Basin exploration permits (WA-435-P, WA-436-P, WA- 437-P and WA-438-P) in 2009. The offshore permits cover an expansive area of 21,652km2 which is located approximately 110km from the coast, offshore of Port Hedland in Western Australia.
Read MoreEP 509 100%
TP/29 100%
EP509 and TP29 permits (Pepper Project) are located in the inboard Barrow Sub-basin of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, within State waters (Figure 1). Both permits sit within shallow water depths (less than 50 meters) and lie adjacent to each other, immediately south-west of Barrow Island, offshore Western Australia.
Read MoreFinancial review
The Group reports an after-tax loss of $656,000 for the financial year ending 30 June 2024 (2023: loss of $4,096,000).